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Showing posts from October, 2018

LAD/Blog #11: Monroe Doctrine

On December 2, 1823 President Monroe spoke to Congress explaining new and consequential Foreign policies under the title of the Monroe Doctrine. Through his new policies, 4 major aspects were addressed.  First, Monroe proclaimed that the U.S. would not interfere with  European affairs and conflicts. As he continued, he further exemplified his isolationist and neutral foreign policy by stating that he would not interfere with pre-existing European colonies, however his third point restricted any European nations from colonizing in the Western Hemisphere from this point forward. As Monroe addressed his final point, he subtly stated that he would protect nations if they were colonized by European powers. The Doctrine was originally going to be a joint declaration with Britain, however Adams appealed to American nationalism and it became a solely U.S. affair. Because of this, many European nations did not recognize the Monroe Doctrine, however America still had the support of Britain.

LAD/Blog #10: Jefferson's First Inaugural Address

Summary: As Jefferson begins his address, he notes that he is grateful that he was chosen to be present as is humbled to be chosen for the task at hand. Jefferson exemplified that while Federalists and Republicans may clash, they are differences of opinion--America, regardless of political party, is unified against tyranny. Jefferson continues, outlining his views and commending the tremendous job Washington did as President. He admits that while he may not be as great as Washington, he will do the job to the best of his ability.   Jefferson Washington's inaugural address. 

LAD/Blog #9: Was Columbus a hero or villian?

Was Christopher Columbus a Hero or a Villain? He was neither--what he actually was is incredibly, breathtakingly, extremely you get what I'm trying to say? He was really just lucky, as he intended to go the . But in the context of your assignment, he was both a hero and a villain, but the discovery of a continent pales in comparison to any evil feat he could manage to counteract it. Christopher Columbus was a hero because: He was the first European to discover the Americas (no offense Leif Erikson, but yours really doesn't count)  Introduced Christianity to the New World Enabled European control and colonization of the Americas Opened trade between worlds new and old (and Africa), eventually leading to the Columbian Exchange, which ruled the era's commerce Since I'm writing this from Washington D.C. , it seems wrong not to add that he indirectly lead to the formation of our great nation, the U.S.A.  He made an innumerable profit for Spain, but als