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Showing posts from February, 2019

LAD/Blog #32: Wilson's 14 Points of Peace

Wilson opens his points by stressing that the entangling alliances got the world into this conflict, and that the US could not stay out due to threats to national security. His 14 points are: No secret alliances Freedom of the seas, naval freedom Free trade between countries and the minimization of economic barriers between nations Reduction of arms across the board Just resolution colonial issues Restoration of Russian lands effected Sovereignty of Belgium Alsace-Lorraine given back to France Italian borders determined through nationality Self Determination in former Austria-Hungarian territory Self-Determination in the Balkan region Self-Determination of territory on outskirts of turkey  Independent Poland International peacekeeping institution (league of nations) Wilson stresses the minimization of revenge upon germany to conclude his speech. The UN was a byproduct of the league of nations' failure

LAD/Blog #31: Schenck V. United States

Schenck v. the United States was a result of Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer distributing pamphlets that critisized the draft During the Great War. They argued that it was unconstitutional as it violated the 13th amendment which prohibited involuntary servitude, however those arguing against the draft thought of mandatory military service as violating this. This was brought to court as it violated the 1917 Espionage Act as it tampered with military participation. This case questioned the Espionage act in terms of the First Amendment, however the espionage act was upheld backed up because of the fact that it was in wartime. Posters like these were used to encourage restriction of the first amendment in times of national security. The alien and sedition acts were similar as they limited first amendment rights.