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LAD/Blog #3: Declaration of Independence

1.  List the democratic principles discussed in the opening.
  • All men are created equal. 
  • All men are to be granted the three unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 
  • The validity of the government comes from the governed.
  • If the governed are dissatisfied with the government, they are given the right to change or overthrow said government. 

2.  List 5 grievances the colonists were making the King aware of.
  • ignorance of American law
  • prevented people from migrating west
  • restriction of American trade
  • taxation without consent
  • terrorizing the American people
  • forcing troops to reside in colonist homes
  • removal of charters

3.  Summarize what the final paragraph is saying.

The final paragraph states that while the American people have attempted to warn the British of how they have been wronged, they have paid not attention to the well-being of the colonists and therefore they must separate from their mother country in order to have the rights they desire.  

Image result for declaration of independence
The Declaration of Independence 

Image result for seneca falls declaration
The Declaration of Sentiments was modeled after the declaration of independence and featured a similar format.


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